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Lighting Technology I: An Introduction to Lighting Tech

Introductory course introduces students to the basic lighting technologies used in theatre and develops knowledge about theatre electrics, controls and maintenance. Course Information: Field ... continue reading

Fundamentals of Music Theory

Notation, metrical organization and rhythmic structure, scales and key signatures, intervals, triads, ear training, and sight singing.

Independent Study

Individual investigation of special problems that may be student-initiated or related to faculty research. May also be used for special University-sponsored projects, such as ... continue reading


Students work in an approved professional setting. Individual projects developed through conferences with a faculty member and a field supervisor. May be repeated. May ... continue reading

Study Abroad in Theatre

Study abroad within an approved foreign exchange program or department-sponsored program. May be repeated with approval. Approval to repeat course granted by the department. ... continue reading

Practicum in Performance II

Course description TBA

Voice VI: Voice Lab

Previously listed as THTR 479. Ensemble and individual experiences in various advanced voice and speech techniques. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better ... continue reading

Portfolio Production

Course description TBA

Capstone: Senior Project

Students in their final year will develop, perform in, direct or author a performance piece that will be presented as their capstone project in ... continue reading

Contemporary Performance Techniques

Previously listed as THTR 470. The relationship of contemporary theory and performance techniques with attention to both text and non-text based forms. Topics vary. ... continue reading


Previously listed as THTR 423. The development of scripts for stage performance. Same as ENGL 495. 3 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: Audition

Previously listed as THTR 475. Selection and staging of audition pieces from theatre, film, and television. Professional seminars and discussions with actors, directors, agents, ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: Ensemble Project

Previously listed as THTR 459. Process and scoring of character development in a full-length twentieth-century play. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 ... continue reading

Movement VI: Movement Lab

Ensemble created physical theatre. Introduction to devised work. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): THTR 312.

Topics on Performance

Previously listed as THTR 463.

Special Projects in Performance Training

Previously listed as THTR 466. Training in varying advanced techniques of performance. 3 undergraduate hours. May be repeated up to 2 time(s). Prerequisite(s): THTR ... continue reading

Teaching Artist Practicum

Provides students who have completed the teaching artist seminar course with an opportunity to develop expertise as teaching artists through 6-to10-week internship placements with ... continue reading

Teaching Artist Seminar

Introduces students to history of arts in education, and provides hands-on training that prepares them to serve as teaching artists in elementary, high-school, and ... continue reading

Special Projects in Theatrical Design

Previously listed as THTR 464. Twentieth-century styles: design for the contemporary stage. Problems in conceptualization, realization, and execution. 3 undergraduate hours. May be repeated ... continue reading

Voice V: Dialects

Previously listed as THTR 478. Techniques in acting through song and performing in a dialect in musicals and/or plays. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of ... continue reading

Voice IV: Text Styles

Previously listed as THTR 477. Techniques in various styles of classical and contemporary text, especially heightened language. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or ... continue reading

Acting III: Classics

Students will learn the history, structures, and elements of classical theatre; explore heightened language, and apply this to performance of Greek drama, Commedia Dell’arte, ... continue reading

Stage Direction

Previously listed as THTR 465. Exploration of conceptual planning and implementation skills for the stage director ranging from script interpretation to rehearsal and performance. ... continue reading

Performance Ethnography

Previously listed as THTR 350. Students engage performance as a subject and method of study as they investigate the methods and ethics of conducting ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: Brecht, Beckett, Pinter

Previously listed as THTR 467. Techniques of performing styles in the theatre of alienation and the theatre of the absurd. Focus on interpreting characters ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: Shakespeare

Previously listed as THTR 452. Techniques of performing Greek and Shakespearean drama. Focus on Magical Realism and techniques of performing in verse. 3 undergraduate ... continue reading

Movement and Voice II

Introductory work on the actor’s instrument’s relaxation, alignment, released and supported sound, spatial dynamics, explored along with emotional access and integration of the instrument ... continue reading

Movement V: Character

Previously listed as THTR 412. Specialized instruction in the subjects of comedic, clowning and mask work. Introduction to 16th and 17th-century style of Italian ... continue reading

Movement IV: Style

Previously listed as THTR 410 or 411. Specialized techniques in style, period, and stage combat. Study of mannerisms, social attitudes, etiquette, clothing, dance, art ... continue reading

Individual Topics

Individual investigation of special problems. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. ... continue reading

Practicum in Technical Theatre

Practical experience in various technical areas: scenery construction, set painting, stage lighting, sound, and properties construction. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 ... continue reading

Practicum in Costuming

Practical experience in all aspects of construction and maintenance, including millinery, mask making, wig making, pattern drafting, and makeup application. May be repeated to ... continue reading

Practicum in Theatre Administration

Planning and execution of specific projects in administration and box office; publicity, budget, marketing, house management, and scheduling. May be repeated to a maximum ... continue reading

Practicum in Performance

Rehearsal and performance techniques, including script analysis, characterization, voice, movement, directing, or design. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 hours. Students may ... continue reading

Voice III: Advanced Voice and Speech

Previously listed as THTR 462. Advanced techniques in the integration of voice, speech, dialects, and other text-related vocal performance skills. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B ... continue reading

Voice II: Speech

The relationship between speech, sound and dramatic sense. Detailed work on the principles of speech. Advancement of breath and phonation skills from Voice I. ... continue reading

Makeup Design

Principles of designing and applying makeup for stage performances including prosthetics and wigs. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in THTR 150 or grade ... continue reading

Costume Design II

Practical research and rendering techniques in designing stage costumes for use in theatrical productions. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in THTR 257.

Costume Design I

Basic interpretive and practical techniques in designing stage costumes including conceptualization, rendering and construction techniques. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in THTR 151.

Lighting Design

Basic interpretive and practical techniques in creating and enhancing 3-dimensional performance environments through lighting. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in THTR 150. Class ... continue reading

Set Design II

Basic interpretive and practical techniques in creating 3-dimensional performance environments including conceptualization, drafting, rendering and model building. Students create a design solution for one ... continue reading

Stage Management

Organization and management of personnel and procedures in a theatrical production. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): THTR 121, THTR 150, and THTR 151. Recommended background: THTR ... continue reading

Scenic Design I

Fundamental principles of visual perception: space, mass, balance, line, texture, shape, color, light, movement, tension and their use in creating visual environments for performance. ... continue reading

Acting II: Scene Study

Previously listed as 262. Techniques of interpreting text, character, and dramatic action. Includes attention to alternative dramatic forms and modes of performance. Prerequisite(s): Grade ... continue reading

Improvisation for the Actor

Course description TBA.

Page to Stage: Adaptation of Text for Theatrical Performance

Explores the history, methods, ethics, and aesthetics of adapting non-dramatic texts including fiction, non-fiction, personal narratives and found texts for theatrical performance. No adaptation ... continue reading

Script Analysis for Theatrical Production

Examine and apply fundamental techniques theatre artists use to read, analyze, and organize a play script in preparation for theatrical production. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: Chekhov

Previously listed as THTR 458. Techniques of performing scenes from Chekov’s plays and short stories. Focus on Naturalistic theatre, psychological realism and craft of ... continue reading

Advanced Acting: American Drama

Previously listed as THTR 451. Techniques of performing Classical and Modern American Drama. Focus on character development and interpreting dramatic action. Prerequisites: Grade of ... continue reading

Dance: Hubbard Street

Previously listed and THTR 220. Study in specialized areas of dance (ballet, tap, jazz).

Movement and Voice

Introductory course to build self-awareness of physical and vocal instrument through relaxation, dynamic alignment, concentration, free breath, full release of sound, range of motion, ... continue reading

Movement III: Somatics

Previously listed as THTR 410. Techniques for the development of the “neutral body”. Detailed focus on awareness through movement and somatic. The process of ... continue reading

Movement II: Body/Space

Previously listed as THTR 310. Advanced techniques in the physicalization of performance. Focus on relationship of body to space, time, and partner, kinesthetic response ... continue reading

Practicum in Theatre: Build Crew

Students will receive hands-on experience in the area of technical theater by working as build crew in the areas of set, fly, props, or ... continue reading

Practicum in Theatre: Run Crew

Students will receive hands-on experience in the area of technical theatre by working as run crew in the areas of set, fly, props, lights ... continue reading

Voice I: Voice

Previously listed as THTR 260. Fundamentals of vocal production, their physical and emotional characteristics and their relationship to body, space, action and emotion.

Digital Literacy in the Arts

Course description TBA

Costume Technology I: Introduction to Costume Technology

Fundamentals of costume construction from conception to realization, through the use of sewing machines, pattern making, and historical research with practical projects. 

Fundamentals of Theatre Technology

Introduces students to the history and theory of theatre technology, and provides an overview of theatre technology areas of scenic, costume, lighting and sound.

Acting Fundamentals for Non-Majors

Students are guided through a series of exercises that introduce the fundamentals of acting. Through observation, improvisation, and performances, students will learn to live ... continue reading

Acting I: Fundamentals

Students will be guided through a series of exercises that introduce the fundamentals of acting. Through observation, improvisation, and performances, students will learn to ... continue reading

Acting II: Adaptations

Previously listed as THTR 263. Techniques of adapting and interpreting text from fiction, short stories and novels into short dramatic scenes which the students ... continue reading

Introduction to Acting

Previously listed as THTR 161. Basic vocal and physical stage performance techniques including the role of character in relation to the intellectual and emotional ... continue reading

Movement I: Body/Self

Previously listed as THTR 210. Techniques in physical awareness and expression. Use of Dynamics in movement and text. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in ... continue reading

Introduction to Theatre II: Modern Theatre

Previously listed as THTR 209. Theatre theories and techniques developed between 1870 and the present, notably those of Ibsen, Appia, Stanislavsky, Meyerhold, Brecht, Artaud, ... continue reading

Scenography: Introduction to Principles of Theatrical Design

Scenography is making imagined spaces for theatrical performance. Students learn fundamentals of scenography including theatrical design history, theory, terminology, theatrical styles, script analysis, design ... continue reading

Polish Drama in Translation

Elementary aspects of Polish dramatic theory and close reading of representative scripts selected from various periods. Course Information: Same as POL 140. Taught in ... continue reading

Introduction to American Musical Theatre

A brief history of American musical theatre, its adaptation and alteration of earlier types of theatre, the basic structure of a classic musical, and ... continue reading

History of Chicago Theatre Past and Present

Introduces students to the ideas, individuals, institutions and innovations that shape the field of theatre in Chicago and explores theatre as both a product ... continue reading

Introduction to Theatre

Students explore the history and collaborative nature of the theatre experience through readings, lectures, and attendance at two plays. Culminates in an original small ... continue reading

Introduction to Theatre: Premodern Theatre

Previously listed as THTR 109. Offers an introduction to the history and development of theatre and theatrical literature from the 5th Century BCE (Ancient ... continue reading