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Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band
Nov 25, 2024
Logan Center for the Arts
915 E 60th St, Chicago, IL 60637
All of our concerts are FREE and open to the public.
Registration is required to attend this performance, simply click the “Get Tickets” button below.
The UIC Band Program features the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Pep Band. The concert ensembles perform music that represents a range of classic and contemporary wind band literature. The Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band present multiple concert performances each semester that highlight a diverse range of styles, time periods, thematic concepts, and compositional voices. These ensembles are open to undergraduate and graduate students of all degree programs and musical development. The Band Program serves to further the skills and knowledge important to a comprehensive music degree program seeking to prepare students to become emerging artists and scholars, but also provide supportive and varied opportunities for non-degree students of all musical levels who want to have a fun and challenging artistic experience.
The concert will feature the UIC Wind Ensemble in a performance of “Political Discourse.” Discourse is a way of organizing and framing human experience and meaning by the narrating and interpretation of events and situations to construct some system of order. Inspired by this highly politicized season, the Wind Ensemble will perform a musical discourse exploring the unending march of democracy through the music of composers such as Percy Grainger, Kimberly Archer, and Leonard Bernstein.
For information on parking visit: https://parking.uic.edu/facilities-and-maps/#west-side-parking-garages-and-lots
CTA Blue Line to UIC-Halsted. There are 3 exits from this platform. Take the far west exit with the long ramp (towards Morgan Street). There are also CTA buses (#7 and #60) that stop directly in front of our building.
For accessibility, accommodations and special requests, please contact Neal McCollam.
November 25, 2024
7:30 pm