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Tiffanie Waldron

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Education

Courses Taught

  • MUS 326: Teaching Music to Children
  • MUS 350: Music Classrooms for All Learners
  • MUS 351: Assessment in Music Classrooms


Bachelor of Music Education, Eastern Michigan University
Master of Education, Marygrove College
Master of Music in Music Education, University of Michigan
Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education, University of Michigan (pending)


Tiffanie Waldron is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Illinois Chicago. She has taught General Music in public, private, and charter schools across Southeast Michigan. Tiffanie has also taught courses on vocal methods and elementary music at the University of Michigan. She has been involved with Crescendo Detroit, a community music program developed for children aged 5-18 to promote artistic excellence. For the past thirteen years, Tiffanie has been the Music Director of Ypsilanti First Congregational United Church of Christ.

Tiffanie’s research interests include vocal pedagogy, classroom management practices, the representation of Black and Brown students within P–12 music curricula, and the experiences of music teachers of color with racial microaggressions, which are at the forefront of her academic pursuits. She has presented her research at various researcher and practitioner conferences regionally, nationally, and internationally, including the NAfME National Biennial Music Research and Teacher Education Conference, American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education (ISPME). Tiffanie is actively involved in professional organizations, such as the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), National Education Association (NEA), Michigan Music Education Association (MMEA), and the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA).

Tiffanie holds a Bachelor of Music Education (Eastern Michigan University), a Master of Education (Marygrove College), and a Master of Music in Music Education (University of Michigan). She is finishing her Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education at the University of Michigan. In addition to teaching, Tiffanie has extensive professional performance experience, having been a vocalist in the chorus in over thirty opera productions with the Detroit Opera (formerly Michigan Opera Theatre).